What Durban does in the Morning

Everyone and anyone who has lived in and loved this sunshine city will tell you that it takes a while for its people to get going in the morning. I blame this city for the fact that I only really wake up at around ten, at my desk at work, befuddled that I got there to begin with. Nonetheless, I allowed my beautiful other to convince my VERY reluctant form to crawl out of bed at 5am one Saturday morning to accompany him to the beach where he does his daily morning run. Do I run I hear you ask? Only if I’m in mortal danger. Tom and I are polar oppposites in this regard. He loves exercise like I love food. More on these hot topics later. Back to the beach. Armed with my trusted camera (it was the only thing that convinced me to tag along), I braved the outdoors. And Battery Beach. And never looked back. The Durban Morning Ocean is nothing short of breathtaking. The Simpson’s Sky, the sun glinting off the water turning the sea into swathes of silver and grey shantung. It’s a place that makes your soul swell and your physicality shrink. Just another reason why this love affair won’t end.


2 thoughts on “What Durban does in the Morning

  1. Sayon says:

    It seems like a perfect morning. Durban is beautiful in the early hours, no doubt.

  2. Joey says:

    Loved it made me “lol”

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